Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday School Therapy (31 for 21 post 28)

Reagan's therapist was curious as to what exactly Reagan does in the nursery at church, whether she plays with the other kids and what toys she likes, so today my mission was to find out.  It was not the best day for observing her interaction as the was only one other kiddo for only part of the time, but the nursery workers were in Reagan heaven (she is very popular at church).  When I picked her up I asked them what she did today and they both said "talked..a lot".  One of the ladies said she played on the slide a few times and they read a story, but mostly they were trying to get her to say new words.  They claimed the honor of teaching her "fish" and "bubbles" (which they also worked on blowing, another skill she's been working on in PT)  and that she was saying a lot of other words too.  So what if she can't get a speech evaluation or therapy until at least December?  Who needs that, we have Sunday School! :)

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