Sunday, October 9, 2011

Prized Memories (31 for 21 post 9)

One of the things that I have learned from having a child with a heart defect and from watching my dear friend's family go through an organ transplant with their son (SJ if you're reading...we're praying constantly)... take advantage of all the memory making moments that present themselves because tomorrow is not promised.  This is a lesson that doesn't get un-learned just because life calms down.  Always take the time to make the memories.  So that is just what we did today.
We shared one of Rafael's rare Sunday's off with Grammy and Papa at the pumpkin patch.  I shall let the pictures speak for themselves. (We may or may not have taken 155 of them)
Picnics are the best!

Sister Love

Lil' Punkin

Pumpkin Playground

Their first time driving together

The truth is we actually got our pumpkins from Grammy's garden


Watchin' Daddy

singing "I love pumpkins, thanks for the pumpkins"

Watchin' Papa

What better way to wrap up a great day than with a game of Candyland with Daddy and Papa.  Cherished memories. :)


Candy said...

Aw! Living it again through pictures is fun too. :)

Megan said...

So precious. I can't wait to make memories with my little pumpkin! Sorry yes it is all about Sophia LOL

Jennifer said...

Love the pumpkin pictures!