Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another Happy Birthday

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it many, many times in the years to come....one of the best parts of joining the Down syndrome club is some of the wonderful people we've become friends with.  Today (and Saturday...party time) we get to celebrate the birth and life of one of Reagan's amazing little friends.  Happy 2nd Birthday Laura, we are so glad to be a part of your life!  I love watching Reagan play with Laura...they are so cute together (okay so they are just cute and when you put two cutes together it is almost unbearably cute) and really play with each other.
Check out Ashley's idea here for her baby sisters (Laura is waiting for her sister to come home to her forever family) and leave her a little birthday love :)  Camera retrieval tomorrow so I promise some new cuteness.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Camera... Yes.
Moose Munch Bar... Maybe...