Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Very Merry Half Birthday

Well, it was better after the mean people were done making a pin-cushion out of her arm at her pre-op appointment.  Miss Reagan is six months old today and she celebrated by going to the hospital to be poked and prodded and x-rayed.  But mommy made it up to her by making her a half cake as has been our tradition for each of the girls half-birthdays.
 I admit that after a marathon day at the hospital I improvised, but it was a very yummy creation, more fudge than cake and covered in whipped cream. :)
 Having been at the hospital today I have Reagan's latest stats...She weighs 8 pounds 13 ounces and stretches 23 inches long.  Her therapist Elizabeth is very happy with her progress in Gross Motor skills.

 She can now sit supported with great posture.  She'll roll onto her side now.
 And she loves to play with her dangling toys.  She is even starting to bring them to her mouth now.  She thinks all these achievements warrant a toast.
(Her sisters loved the cake and sparkling juice too!)

  P.S. Tomorrow my mom and I are being interviewed at 4:00 on KBRT 740 about Reece's Rainbow and Down syndrome.


Scott said...

I'll be listening... ;-)


Candy said...

so will I! ;)


Jennifer Scott said...

Happy 1/2 birthday!!!