Monday, March 7, 2011

Open Heart Surgery

We had our appointment with the surgeon today.  His name is Dr. Bailey and if anybody remembers "Baby Fae" and the baboon heart transplant in 1984...he's that Dr. Bailey.  He was a pioneer in infant heart transplant and also successfully transplanted the first infant-to-infant heart in 1985.  Despite the fact that he is world renowned, he has an absolutely fabulous manner.  He explained things slowly and in a way that we could understand them and gave us a tremendous amount of confidence.
 His bio states that his philosophy of care "Embrace the child and his/her family with honesty, reassurance, and sensitivity toward their physical, emotional and spiritual health." and I have to say that we really felt that. He even held Reagan for a picture and snuggled her a bit :) (who wouldn't right?)
 Her surgery to repair her broken heart is scheduled for the 22nd of March. Two weeks from tomorrow I will give my baby girl over into their capable hands and try not to break down in the process. It is surreal. But it is set and every hour takes us closer to a fixed heart. Scary. Exciting. Unbelievable. I don't think I can even name all the emotions that roll over me in turn right now. The next two weeks will be the longest, shortest two weeks of my life.


Jen said...

Wow Shauna! Thanks for sharing! I love you and am praying about all of it! Jen

Julia said...

I'm thinking about you guys ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Shauna, Wow - how cool is it that Dr. Bailey will be taking care of your little girl along with the Lord. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. You and your family have many friends out there, know that your whole family is in everyones prayers. God bless, Lynn

Jennifer Scott said...

I'm praying it goes quickly & smoothly. The hardest thing I ever had to do was hand Sean over to the nurse who took him in for his surgery. I did break down & you may as well, but that's ok.

Susanna said...

I put that on my calendar, Shauna! You know we'll be praying! (((((Hugs)))))

Ilisa Ailts said...

We will be praying. And, yes, who wouldn't snuggle with her?